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Hi, I am Sergei

Sergei Cherniaev

Devops Engineer

I am a Devops engineer with more than 5 years of experience. I created a design project for Magnitogorsk NMLK and Krasnadar NMLK based on Kubernetes, as well as Proxmox and Vmware. My favorite tools are Teraform, Packer, Ansible, Salstack, Docker, Podman, Helm, Helmfly and others

Kubernetes Fundamentals
Fundamentals for Kyverno
Cilium LoadBalancer IPAM and BGP Service Advertisement
Network Foundations
Cilium Cluster Mesh
Cilium Flow Encryption
Team Work
Hard Working



Devops Enginer

Nov 2019 - Present, Russia Moskow

Datana improves industrial efficiency. Digital advisors based on Datana Mash and Datana Sense to optimize individual technological processes.

  • Design and creation of infrastructure in an isolated loop (Proxmox, Teraform, gpu sharing, Haproxy, K8s, Rancher, Kafka, Redis, KeyDB, `Mongo, Prometheus, Consul, VictoriaMetrics, Grafana, MinIO, Elk, Ansible, Nexus)
  • Design and creation of HA vpn-bastion (ocserv)
  • Design and creation of your own hybrid infrastructure based on Proxmox, Vmware and Lancloud cloud based on Hyper-V.
  • Monitoring systems Prometheus operator, Victoriametrics HA, Grafana, Karma.
  • Logging systems ELK, EFK, EVK.
  • Configuring CEPH, MinIO, Glusterfs, OpenEBS storages, etc.
  • VM backup systems (Veeam Backup and Recovery), k8s (Velero)
  • Writing Gitlab cd /cd Docker DND pipelines for Python, Node.js, Kotlin, Java.
  • Configuration management (Ansible, Saltstack).
  • Access control system (AD, Ldap)
  • Docker Swarm, Kubernetes (K3s, Rke, Rke2, Kubeadm) orchestration systems.
  • Cluster design for IoT systems LXD (LXDMosaic), Backup (LXMIN), k8s (K3s). Software version control system (Flux).
  • Converting docker-compose.yaml to Helm, as well as experience in writing charts.

Devops Enginer

2018 - Present, Russia Moskow

An adaptive contact center for sustainable business and human development.

  • Writing various kinds of REST-API integrations. (Python, Node.js, PHP)
  • Building and configuring product environments.
  • Code build and delivery to production platforms. (Gitlab ci/cd, jenkins, Ansible)
  • Building various kinds of VPN tunnels.
  • Monitoring with zabbix,grafana,victoriametrics.
  • Administration of a fleet of servers based on Linux, Windows.
  • Voip administration, queue setting, group calls, follow me, ivr, cdr, PBX monitoring, reporting.
  • Working with Mysql, Postgres, Mongo databases.
  • Collection of logs EFK, Graylog.

System administrator - Devops Enginer
Factory of information technologies

2015 - 2018, Russia Moskow

Developer of smart platforms for smart city, software manufacturer.

  • Administration of a fleet of computers based on Linux, Windows.
  • Administration of servers based on Linux (Centos, Debian, Proxmox, Gentoo) Windows 2012, support for network equipment.
  • Maintaining highly loaded HighLoad ++ sites in working condition 24/7 (,,,,, etc.)
  • Administration of Voip (Asterisk), setting up queues, group calls, follow me, ivr, cdr, PBX monitoring, reporting.
  • Site administration on different engines (Modx, Wordpress, Joomla, Yii, java)
  • Building docker-images, and delivery to production sites (Gitlab ci/cd, Ansible)
  • Container cluster management (Swarm, Kubernetes.)
  • Creation of infomat based on OpenSource solutions.
  • Working with Mysql, Postgres, Mongo databases.
  • Working with PHP, Node.js, Java, Python.
  • Monitoring with Zabbix, Grafana.
  • Collection of logs EFK, Graylog.

Engineer IT
MBOU Secondary School №40

2014 - 2015, Russia,Belgorod

Municipal budgetary educational institution “Secondary School No. 40”

  • Maintenance of a computer park, OS server (Windows, Linux)
  • Administration of servers based on Linux (Debian, Proxmox) Windows support for network equipment.
  • Creation of own IPTV, service.
  • Repair and setup of peripheral computers (projectors, office equipment, etc.)
  • Maintenance and promotion of the official website of the organization. Technical support of the site
  • Setting up electronic signatures based on CryptoPro CSP.
  • Maintenance and modernization of the LAN.

System administrator
Energomash-stroy, holding company

2011 - 2011, Russia,Belgorod

Manufacture of steam boilers and their parts.

  • Maintenance of a computer park, OS server (Windows, Linux)
  • Administration of Windows-based servers, support of network equipment.
  • Administration of servers, ip-telephony, mini PBX. Working with GSM and Voip modules, Asterisk.
  • Oracle database administration.

System administrator
Taxi Positive

2011 - 2011, Russia,Belgorod


  • Maintenance of a computer park, OS server (Windows, Linux)
  • Administration of Windows-based servers, support of network equipment.
  • Administration of servers, ip-telephony, mini PBX. Working with GSM and Voip modules, Asterisk.
  • Oracle database administration.


Belgorod State National Research University


Certified Calico Operator Level 1

This course will equip you with the knowledge you need to understand how a Kubernetes network works, how to set up and manage a Calico network, and how to secure your cluster following current best practices with the confidence you need to run critical workloads in production.

Kubernetes Fundamentals

The holders of this title have demonstrated the skills, knowledge and competencies to perform the duties of a Kubernetes administrator. Participants demonstrated skills in application lifecycle management, installation, configuration and verification, basic concepts, networking, planning, security, cluster maintenance, logging/monitoring, storage, and troubleshooting.

Cybersecurity Essentials

Cybersecurity Essentials course holders can apply security practices and precautions during online activities to minimize risks and securely protect personal and professional information from disclosure and compromise. They can also determine what to do in the event of a data breach. Owners can apply security practices and precautions during online activities to minimize risks and securely protect personal and professional information from disclosure and compromise.

Introduction to GitOps

Course participants introductory to GitOp can explain what GitOps is, as well as its key principles, practices, and technologies, in the context of setting up continuous delivery in Kubernetes. They understand the two consensus models and three main tools used to implement GitOps on Kubernetes. They understand the benefits of GitOps, how to set up infrastructure, deploy applications, and recover from failure using developer-friendly git-based workflows.